Are You Wired To Win?
The winners in life think constantly in terms of I can, I will, and I am. Losers, on the other hand, concentrate their waking thoughts on what they should have or would have done, or what they can’t do. ~ Denis Waitley ~
Some of the simplest concepts are the most difficult to grasp. I’ve come to believe the reason for this is because we have learned to expect difficulty.
I’m not sure what I expected beyond salvation, when I began following Christ.
I’m not sure I had any expectations other than making it to Heaven. That was good enough for me. But that is not the case anymore. My relationship with Christ has deepened, and I arrive at different levels of understanding, my expectations have changed as well. I have a new attitude. I want to live a victorious Christian life. I want to be used by God to bless the lives of others.
I want to donate the money to build wells in the Sudan and other third world countries. I want to donate money to the Allied Federation of Christians and Jews to provide meals and other basic neccesities to poor starving Jewish people. I want to be God’s helping hands here on this earth. What I’ve learned is I can’t do anything without the means to do it.
I’ve always had a heart to help anyone in any way I could. I’m one of those people who stop and give money to beggars on the street.
In order to – Develop a winning attitude you have to say what you mean, and believe what you say.
You already believe the negative crap you tell yourself.
I Can
Is your eye on the prize? Or are you looking back Paul wrote …eye on the prize keep pushing
Simply telling yourself “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me is not enough. You can say it all day and listen to it all night while you sleep and change nothing. If you don’t know the how and why behind what you’re saying you won’t believe it and it won’t work.