Book Review: Moments of Truth
Unleashing God’s Word One Day at a Time
Moments of Truth is a daily devotional and follows the basic devotional structure however, Pastor John MacArthur’s approach to the devotional is a refreshing change from the “usual”. While each page does begin with a Scriptural verse, they are followed by powerful messages taken from some of his previously published books.
These devotions are not designed to make your spirit take off on some fanciful flight. They are not designed to make you “feel good.” In fact some of MacArthur’s messages may have the opposite effect. They force you to look at some basic truths which are often overlooked and the truth doesn’t always “feel good.” Sometimes it hurts. He ends each passage with a question designed to make you dig a little deeper.
Excerpt: “The power of the crucified Christ is the only power of God by which He saves. Salvation comes only through a belief in that gospel, the gospel of Jesus. No gospel, no salvation. The absolute exclusivity of it has always been a shameful, embarrassing, inconvenient message to worldly wise sinners, but the truth is nonnegotiable.” Page (29)
Saving faith comes by way of an intimate knowledge of Christ, and is sustained through our relationship with Him.
Jacket Description:
We are in desperate need of moments of truth. Truth that can shine through the clutter of modern life. Truth that we can welcome without hesitation. Truth that is good for our souls. The Bible is the only source for such truth, and Pastor John MacArthur is absolutely committed to sharing and illuminating God’s truth for us. From creation to parenting, leadership to end times, Moments of Truth addresses practical and foundational subjects in bite-size pieces. Day by day, MacArthur quotes Scripture and helps us apply it to our lives with eye-opening lessons and probing questions that are relevant to the season. Spend time each day with Moments of Truth, and see how God uses the truth to set you free.
I loved the book, I recommend it and I gave it 5 stars.
I received this book free from the publisher through the Book Sneeze, book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
January 30, 2012 @ 12:25 pm
following you from WBC .