Pen Or Computer?
This was an easy choice. In my world, the pen is queen! I’ve been filling notebooks with thoughts, plans, dreams and revelations since my preteen years. I’ve recently come to realize that I was actually journaling long before I knew the word existed. What I did know on some level I couldn’t begin to explain was I had to write. I had to get my thoughts out of my head. Once they were on paper I could make sense out of them. I used to believe and say, “The only way I can think is on paper.”
A notebook in front of me and a pen in my hand puts me in “the zone.” I never know what’s coming. I just sort of go with it.
I must admit however, since I started blogging I have been doing a lot more typing, but I’m one of those two finger typist who has to look at the keys as I type so… the pen still rules.
November is National Blog Posting Month and I decided at the last minute to take on the NaBloPoMo November challenge on BlogHer. The theme this month is blogging for blogging’s sake. Today, November 5, 2011 is the last day to enter your blog. If it sounds like something you’d like to try go here.
The challenge of course is to post everyday in the month. I’ve been tempted to take on one of these daily post challenges in the past, but I always talk myself out of it. I post so sporadically I figured I’d probably be setting myself up to fail. Yes, I realize that’s an excuse not to try, and of course I waited until the last day to enter my blog because I was busy coming up with reasons not to, which is why I probably really need to take on this challenge. 🙂 Wish me luck.
Be Blessed!
Photo: Microsoft/Images