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  1. The Father Awaits | TaylorCares
    May 5, 2012 @ 11:32 am

    […] ← When Life Interferes […]

  2. The Pepperrific Life
    May 4, 2012 @ 2:12 am

    Oh, I’m sorry to hear about your loss…

    About ADHD, I don’t know much about it. I wouldn’t be too keen on having drugs pumped into my daughter either. I’m sure there are other ways to cope. But here in the school I work at, ADHD is a pretty common thing among the kids.

    Initially, it can be quite a shock to know that your kid has it, I have to admit, but I’m sure you’ll get by. You’re a strong woman with people who love and care for you.

    • User Avatar Taylor
      May 5, 2012 @ 9:36 am

      It wasn’t really a shock. I had suspicions but I guess I was hoping I was wrong. Now I’m on a fact finding mission. Once I have all of the information I can figure out the next move. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Donald Medor
    May 3, 2012 @ 2:00 am

    So sorry for your lost! In the name of Jesus, I speak life over your family and complete 100% restoration mind, body and spirit for daughter. I can attest to the fact that God is able to do Above ALL. God is greater than any demon. Furthermore, you are stronger than the little situations. Exceedingly and above all you could ask or think. If you do not believe, I believe for you. You will go through and fight through this. I get the impression you are real strong because you have power of God Holy Spirit living inside you. I see God moving in your life more and more. I see that you are a strong women of God. i feel the impression that you are under his wings. I prophesy life to you and your family. Blessing from Above. DoN! trafficjam427!

    • User Avatar Taylor
      May 3, 2012 @ 10:12 am

      Thank You Donald for your kind words and your prayers. God Bless!