Showing Each Other Love
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39 (NKJV)
I spent many years trying to figure out how to deal with one of the most difficult individuals on the face of the planet. My brother.
I admit I’m part of the problem. Aside from the fact that I am basically a loner, I have a very low tolerance level for foolishness. So when I’m forced to be in the company of someone – anyone who aggravates me, I’m not always gracious. (That’s putting it delicately.) 🙂
What usually happened is an old story, he’d get drunk and simple – I lose my temper and we’d argue. Then I’d get angry with myself for not exercising restraint. Who argues with a drunk? Some battles aren’t even worth the effort. But there I was full of righteous indignation, arguing a point that wouldn’t even be remembered.
On my own I wasn’t able to figure out how to survive the inevitable family functions, but once I turned it over to the Lord, He enabled me to look at things differently. It wasn’t really about my brother. It’s never about the other person. It’s about allowing the love of Christ to work in us and for us in every situation we find ourselves in. It’s about remembering we are fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image and when He looks at us He’s supposed to see Jesus looking back. We’re called to show love.
I’ve been listening to this song today. I just love it.
Individuals who try our patience serve as reminders of how blessed we are. Now matter how we behave, Jesus Christ keeps right on loving us. The people in our lives who are the hardest to love are probably the ones who need it most. Today, I’m showing Love