Five Minute Friday writing prompt is courtesy of Lisa-Jo
Five Minutes | No Editing | Writing Prompt: Empty
Empty is a process. It’s a progression from empty to full then emptied again only to be filled again.
Daily, I must empty, in order to be filled.
The half full, half empty optimist, pessimist analogy is true according to the world’s standards.
But it doesn’t work for God’s elect.
Half empty is too much and half full is not enough.
The devil is in the details, literally.
If your cup has a little jealousy, pride, anger, stress, worry etc.
That’s way too much.
On the other hand if you have just a bit of love, hope, faith, patience, kindness and gentleness.
You are sorely lacking.
Jesus said, “You’re either for me or against me.”
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
He cannot please God.
Be Blessed!