Whenever you set a new intention, or make a new commitment or promise, expect fear. Those old beliefs that are in conflict with your new commitment will jump right up in your face, and try to reassert themselves.
Fear will give you a laundry list of reasons not to try.
You can’t. You’re not good enough. You’ll get hurt. You’re too old or too young.
You’ll fail. You’re wasting your money. Wasting your time. You don’t deserve it.
Fear is vicious. It pulls no punches and takes no prisoners. It goes in for the kill.
But here’s the thing.
You Are Worthy, and good enough, and deserving of every wonderful thing you desire.
You my dear, are a child of GOD. You’re not just enough. You’re more than enough.
You always have been and you always will be.
When you make a new commitment, expect fear.
Then do it any way.
Take One Step Toward Your Desire | Taylor Cares
October 14, 2023 @ 3:41 pm
[…] of immense capability. Our limiting beliefs are often the walls we build around our own potential. Fear is Not your Enemy, Inaction is. It’s natural to feel fear when contemplating that first step towards your deepest desires. […]